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Over 500 have applied to start in Jubileumsvasan – the challenge of the century

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Over 500 have applied to start in Jubileumsvasan – the challenge of the century

The application period is now over for the historic ski race Jubileumsvasan, which will recreate the very first Vasaloppet in 1922. A total of 532 applications have been received. The jury's work is now underway to select the 139 participants who will get a chance to start the race in Sälen on February 12, 2022, and travel ninety kilometres to Mora on primitive wooden skis. Foreign media have shown interest in Jubileumsvasan.

532 people, both men and women, Swedes and internationals, have sent in applications to participate in Jubileumsvasan. Some potential participants are well-known while others are not, but shared in common are exciting backgrounds and great interest in sports and history. Applicants were asked to answer in under 2,000 characters "why do you have what it takes to ski 90 km from Sälen to Mora in contemporary equipment from 1922?"

"It's really great that so many have applied to participate," says Vasaloppet's CEO Johan Eriksson who is also the chairman of the jury. "This will be a unique experience during our 100th anniversary. Media interest and social media buzz was surprisingly large when we unveiled Jubileumsvasan in May and there's also been interest from abroad to visit and report on the race."

What happens now?
"We'll read applications and hold a meeting to select participants. I can already reveal that there are many qualified applicants and the jury will have a tough time narrowing it down to only 139 people. I know that there are many interesting ski profiles and great stories that will spice up the race."

What will the jury look for to make the call of who gets to participate?
"The jury will judge participants' physical abilities, as Jubileumsvasan will be a highly demanding race, but participants should also show their commitment to having contemporary equipment from the 1920s."

When will the jury have a final selection?
"At the start of July we'll present participants and everyone who applied will be notified if their application was successful or not," Johan Eriksson concludes.

FACTS/The five jury members
The jury consists of five people: Johan Eriksson, Vasaloppet CEO and chairman of the jury; Susanna Kallur, exercise inspirer for Motionsklubben and GetVibes; Petter Karlsson, journalist and author; Karin Mattsson, chairman of the Swedish Ski Association; Johanna Ojala, host of Viaplay's winter venture.

Read more on Jubileumsvasan 2022

Upcoming events

Hemmavasan 2021 – July 3–August 22 2021, anytime, anywhere

Hemmavasan Cykel 90 – bike 94 km
Hemmavasan Cykel 45 – bike 45 km
Hemmavasan Cykel 30 – bike 32 km
Hemmavasan Cykel 10 – bike 10 km
Hemmavasan Ultra 90 – walk, jog or run 90 km
Hemmavasan Ultra 45 – walk, jog or run 45 km
Hemmavasan Trail 30 – walk, jog or run 30 km
Hemmavasan Trail 10 – walk, jog or run 10 km

Elite races, Summer 2021
Thur 19 Aug: Cykelvasan 90 Elit. 94 km. Start Sälen
Sun 22 Aug: Ultravasan 90 Elit. 90 km. Start Sälen
Sun 22 Aug: Ultravasan 45 Elit. 45 km. Start Oxberg

Anniversary race 2022
Sat 12 Feb: Jubileumsvasan. About 90 km. Start Sälen

Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2022 – 100th anniversary!
Fri 25 Feb: Vasaloppet 30. 30 km. Start Oxberg
Sat 26 Feb: Tjejvasan. 30 km. Start Oxberg
Sun 27 Feb: Ungdomsvasan. 9/19 km. Start Eldris/Hökberg
Sun 27 Feb: Öppet Spår Sunday. 90 km. Start Sälen
Mon 28 Feb: Öppet Spår Monday. 90 km. Freestyle, start Sälen
Tue 1 Mar: Vasaloppet 45. 45 km. start Oxberg
Fri 4 Mar: Stafettvasan. 9–24 km. 90 km relay for 5-person teams. Start Sälen
Fri 4 Mar: Nattvasan 90. 90 km. Freestyle, individually or in two-person teams. Start Sälen
Fri 4 Mar: Nattvasan 45. 45 km. Freestyle, individually or in two-person teams. Start Oxberg
Fri 4 Mar: Nattvasan 30. 30 km. Freestyle, individually or in two-person teams. Start Oxberg
Sat 5 Mar: Blåbärsloppet. 9 km. Start Eldris
Sun 6 Mar: Vasaloppet. 90 km. Start Sälen (FULLY BOOKED)


High-resolution photos from Vasaloppet:

Text and photos may be freely published.

For more information
Camilla Sandy, Vasaloppet Press Manager
+46 (0)70-384 95 00

More on Vasaloppet
Press room: mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/vasaloppet
Facebook: facebook.com/vasaloppetofficial
Instagram: @vasaloppet
Twitter: @vasaloppet


Vasaloppet is the world's biggest cross-country ski race. Vasaloppet's
Winter Week with its cross-country skiing and Summer Week with mountain
biking and running attract a total of almost 100,000 registered
participants every year. Since the beginning in 1922 over 1.7 million
participants have passed the finish line portal in Mora. Vasaloppet is a
non-profit making organization owned by IFK Mora and Sälens IF. An
engine for public health and sports club activities, in forefathers'
tracks for future victories!


Camilla Sandy

Presskontakt Kommunikatör och pressansvarig +4670-384 95 00

Relaterat innehåll

Vasaloppet är världens största arrangör av motionslopp, året runt.

Vasaloppet startade 1922, men är mycket äldre än så. Det första Vasaloppet genomfördes redan 1521 av Gustav Eriksson. Under sin flykt undan den danske kungen blev han upphunnen i Sälen och återvände till Mora för att leda upproret mot ockupationsmakten. Gustav Eriksson enade så småningom riket och blev Sveriges första kung, mer känd under namnet Gustav Vasa. Sälen är med andra ord inte enbart startplats för ett av världens största motionslopp, utan också startpunkten för hela vårt lands historia. Det första loppet lockade 119 skidåkare till start. I dag kommer uppåt 100 000 deltagare från över 60 länder till vår bygd för att åka skidor, springa eller cykla mellan Sälen och Mora. Vasaloppet må ha växt, men syftet är det samma: Att med utgångspunkt från den klassiska sträckan genomföra idrottsarrangemang som skapar resurser och möjligheter för ägarföreningarna samt alla funktionärsföreningar. Med ideella krafter för vi en svensk tradition vidare.

Vasaloppet är en ideell verksamhet som ägs av IFK Mora och Sälens IF. En motor för folkhälsa och föreningsliv.