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A different Vasaloppet year in summary – registration opens for Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2022 this Sunday

The Vasaloppet year 2021 was certainly out of the ordinary – but it happened.
"Our diligent work to set Sweden in motion continued this year. We're both happy and proud that we could run elite races while offering recreational athletes alternative ways of crossing their finish line at home or in the Vasaloppet Arena," says Johan Eriksson, Vasaloppet's CEO. 

While the need to train and stay outdoors has been great this year, traditional Swedish exercise races could not be held in normal ways. The solution was, in many cases, virtual races and at-home variants, and this was also the case for Vasaloppet. Last winter, the Vasaloppet Arena opened as a facility and 18,000 skiers completed Vasaåket over a period of 3.5 weeks, tackling the different distances between Sälen and Mora either on location or at home in Vasaåket Hemma.

This past summer, 12,000 registered to bike or run in Hemmavasan, either on location in the Vasaloppet Arena, at home or on their holidays. External initiators also opened temporary cafés and arranged bus trips along the Vasaloppet trail.

In total, the different Vasaloppet race variants attracted over 30,000 registered participants in 2021.
"Our goal has always been to continue inspiring people to get exercising and experiencing nature, and to offer a finish line for their training. It's so fun that over 30,000 people ran their race with us. It's been tough and, at the same time, a learning experience," says Johan Eriksson.

Vasaloppet was nominated, at the beginning of September, for the tourism prize Stora Turismpriset 2021 for its work during the past year. The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth acts as the principal for the Foundation for the promotion of knowledge within tourism, which awards the prize. The motivation reads: "As an engine for exercise and health in Sweden, Vasaloppet inspires people to get moving. With great creativity they have not only managed to adapt during the pandemic year, they have also reached and activated new target groups, developed new products and technical platforms and continued in their role of being a strong travel reason for Dalarna. A constant focus on sustainability in all aspects creates strong long-term results, to the benefit of sports clubs, regional development and the hospitality industry."

"It is gratifying and joyous to have this attention brought to our work," says Johan Eriksson. "Even though we turn 100 next year and have a long history with many traditions, you always need to adapt to a changing world. We have shown that we can do it."

Over 35,000 participants have already registered for Vasaloppet's Winter Week in February/March 2022 and there are spots left in all races except Vasaloppet. Registration for Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2022 opens this Sunday, September 26. Due to the pandemic, several participants have moved their starts to next year so near 10,000 are already registered for the summer races. That means that in total 45,000 people are registered for races in the Vasaloppet Arena 2022.
"More than ever, we're looking forward to welcoming everyone to Sälen and Mora during our anniversary year with proper sporting festivities. Turning 100 years old is worth celebrating in many ways and we will do so in a festive and responsible way, both in winter and summer," says Johan Eriksson.

Upcoming events in the Vasaloppet Arena during the Anniversary Year 2022 – Vasaloppet 100 years

Anniversary race 2022
Saturday, February 12 Jubileumsvasan About 90 km. Start Sälen (full)

Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2022 (registration open)

• Friday, February 25 Vasaloppet 30 30 km, start Oxberg
• Saturday, February 26 Tjejvasan 30 km, start Oxberg
• Sunday, February 27 Ungdomsvasan 9 km start Eldris, 19 km start Hökberg
• Sunday, February 27 Öppet Spår Sunday 90 km, start Sälen
• Monday, February 28 Öppet Spår Monday 90 km, freestyle, start Sälen
• Tuesday, March 1 Vasaloppet 45 45 km, start Oxberg
• Friday, March 4 Stafettvasan 90 km, five-person teams, start Sälen
• Friday, March 4 Nattvasan 90 90 km, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Sälen
• Friday, March 4 Nattvasan 45 45 km, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Sälen
• Friday, March 4 Nattvasan 30 30 km, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Sälen
• Saturday, March 5 Blåbärsloppet 9 km, start Eldris *
• Sunday, March 6 Vasaloppet 90 km, start Sälen (fully booked)

* Registration for Blåbärsloppet opens in January, 2022.

Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2022 (registration opens September 26, 2021)
• Friday, August 12 Cykelvasan Öppet Spår 94 km, start Sälen
• Friday, August 12 Cykelvasasprinten 1 km, Lindvallen, Sälen
• Saturday, August 13 Cykelvasan 90 94 km, start Sälen
• Sunday, August 14 Cykelvasan 45 45 km, start Oxberg
• Sunday, August 14 Cykelvasan 30 32 km, start Oxberg
• Sunday, August 14 Ungdomscykelvasan 32 km, start Oxberg
• Friday, August 19 Trailvasan 10 10 km, start Mora
• Saturday, August 20 Ultravasan 90 90 km, start Sälen
• Saturday, August 20 Ultravasan 45 45 km, start Oxberg
• Saturday, August 20 Trailvasan 30 30 km, start Oxberg
• Saturday, August 20 Vasastafetten 90 km, running relay for ten-person teams, start Sälen
• Saturday, August 20 Vasakvartetten 90 km, running relay for four-person teams, start Sälen

Vasaloppstrippeln – ski, bike and run all in one year
Vasaloppstrippeln is a challenge where you complete three races – skiing, cycling and running – during one calendar year. Choose between 90, 45 and 30 kilometres. READ MORE>

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High-resolution photos from Vasaloppet and Cykelvasan

Text and photos may be freely published.

For more information
Camilla Sandy, Vasaloppet Press Manager
+46 (0)70-384 95 00

More on Vasaloppet?
Press room: mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/vasaloppet
Facebook: facebook.com/vasaloppetofficial
Instagram: @vasaloppet


Vasaloppet is the world's biggest cross-country ski race. Vasaloppet's Winter Week with its cross-country skiing and Summer Week with mountain biking and running attract a total of almost 100,000 registered
participants every year. Since the beginning in 1922 over 1.7 million participants have passed the finish line portal in Mora. Vasaloppet is a non-profit making organization owned by IFK Mora and Sälens IF. An engine for public health and sports club activities, in forefathers' tracks for future victories!


Camilla Sandy

Presskontakt Kommunikatör och pressansvarig +4670-384 95 00

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