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The Mora-born astronaut Marcus Wandt brings a Vasaloppet number bib and Vasaloppet medal packed for his journey to the International Space Station (ISS).
The Mora-born astronaut Marcus Wandt brings a Vasaloppet number bib and Vasaloppet medal packed for his journey to the International Space Station (ISS).

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Vasaloppet accompanies Swedish astronaut Marcus Wandt to space

In January 2024, the plan is for Marcus Wandt to embark on his first space trip. The Mora-born astronaut has both a Vasaloppet number bib and Vasaloppet medal packed for the journey to the International Space Station (ISS)."I like achievements and challenges and I've been skiing since I could walk. Bringing something from Vasaloppet felt obvious," says Marcus Wandt.

A Vasaloppet analogy often comes up for how many laps around the Earth (1,405) and how many round trips to the moon (73) correspond to the distance that all Vasaloppet skiers have covered in the 99 races held since 1922. But in January 2024, the Vasaloppet journey will literally go to space for the first time.
"It was a bit of a surprise to receive the call from the European Space Agency (ESA). But a cross-coutry skiing astronaut born in Mora; of course, he should bring something from Vasaloppet on his first space journey. It feels very fun and honourable," says Camilla Sandy Swarén, Press Contact at Vasaloppet.

For understandable reasons, any objects included in the luggage couldn't be too bulky and NASA approval was required earlier this summer. Now, both a Vasaloppet medal and a number bib are packed, waiting for Marcus Wandt's mission with Axiom Mission 3 to start at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida in January.
"I'm really looking forward to everything about this trip," says Marcus Wandt, who is currently in intense training at the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne.
"I've always enjoyed skiing, and bringing something from Vasaloppet felt like excellent timing, since we just celebrated 500 years since Gustav Vasa was elected king of Sweden."

Marcus Wandt, who was born in Mora but only lived there for a few months before moving, has not participated in any Vasaloppet races so far. But the plan is to change that. Since the space journey takes place in January, it's too tight to prepare for participation in the 100th Vasaloppet on Sunday, March 3, 2024. However, it might happen as early as the winter of 2025.
"Marcus Wandt would then be the first astronaut to ski Vasaloppet. Christer Fuglesang participated in Vasaloppet's Vasastreak 2022 where he demonstrated push-ups, but he has not participated in a race so far," says Camilla Sandy Swarén,.

Both the Vasaloppet medal and number bib will be donated back to Vasaloppet after their stay in space.

Facts Marcus Wandt:
Born: September 22, 1980, in Mora. Grew up in Hammarö and lives in Linköping.
Background: Marcus is a former paratrooper and combat pilot with an electrical engineering degree from Chalmers University of Technology. He has also completed the Officers' Programme at Karlberg and is the chief test pilot for Gripen at Saab. In November 2022, he was selected from over 22,500 applicants for a new astronaut group with a total of 17 astronauts.
Currently: Sweden's next astronaut. In January 2024, Marcus Wandt will travel to the International Space Station, ISS. Axiom Space is organizing the trip (Ax-3) in collaboration with the US space agency NASA and SpaceX. The crew also includes Michael López-Alegría (USA), Walter Villadei (Italy), and Alper Gezeravci (Turkey). The stay aboard the space station will be up to 14 days.
Social media: Instagram @esaastro_marcus @europeanspaceagency

More information: https://www.rymdstyrelsen.se/

Facts Vasaloppet:
Since 1922, 624,559 Vasaloppet skiers have crossed the finish line after completing Vasaloppet (90 km); put together over the 99 races, they have covered a distance equivalent to 1,405 laps around the Earth or 73 round trips to the moon.

Upcoming events in the Vasaloppet Arena

Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024 and the 100th Vasaloppet –skis

Friday 23 February: Vasaloppet 30, start Oxberg, 30 km
Saturday 24 February: Tjejvasan, start Oxberg, 30 km
Sunday 25 February: Öppet Spår Sunday, start Sälen, 90 km
Sunday 25 February: Ungdomsvasan, start Eldris, 9 km, start Hökberg, 19 km
Monday 26 February: Öppet Spår Monday 90, freestyle, start Sälen, 90 km
Monday 26 February: Öppet Spår Monday 45, freestyle, start Evertsberg, 43 km
Monday 26 February: Öppet Spår Monday 30, freestyle, start Oxberg, 28 km
Tuesday 27 February: Vasaloppet 45, start Oxberg, 45 km
Friday 1 March: Stafettvasan, ski relay, five sections, start Sälen, 90 km
Friday 1 March: Nattvasan 30, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Oxberg, 30 km
Friday 1 March: Nattvasan 45, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Oxberg, 45 km
Friday 1 March: Nattvasan 90, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Sälen, 90 km
Saturday 2 March: Vasaloppet 10, freestyle, start Eldris, 9 km
Sunday 3 March: 100th Vasaloppet, start Sälen, 90 km (FULLY BOOKED)

Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2024 – cycling and running

Friday 9 August: Ungdomscykelvasan, 32 km, start Oxberg
Friday 9 August: Cykelvasan Öppet Spår, 96 km, start Sälen
Friday 9 August: Cykelvasan 45, 45 km, start Oxberg
Friday 9 August: Cykelvasan 30, 32 km, start Oxberg
Saturday 10 August: Cykelvasan 90, 96 km, start Sälen
Friday 16 August: Trailvasan 10, 10 km, start Mora
Saturday 17 August: Ultravasan 90, 92 km, start Sälen
Saturday 17 August: Vasastafetten, 92 km, running relay for ten-person teams, start Sälen
Saturday 17 August: Ultravasan 45, 45 km, start Oxberg
Saturday 17 August: Trailvasan 30, 30 km, start Oxberg

Vasaloppstrippeln – ski, bike and run, all in one year
Vasaloppstrippeln is a challenge where you complete three races – skiing, cycling and running – during one and the same calendar year. Choose between 30, 45 or 90 kilometres.

Like Vasaloppet on Facebook and follow Vasaloppet on Instagram!

High-resolution photos from Vasaloppet

Text and photos may be freely published.

For more information
Camilla Sandy, Press Manager Vasaloppet
+46 (0)70-384 95 00

More on Vasaloppet
Press room: mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/vasaloppet
Facebook: facebook.com/vasaloppetofficial
Instagram: @vasaloppet


Vasaloppet är världens största långlopp på skidor. Vasaloppets vintervecka med längdskidåkning och Vasaloppets sommarvecka med mountainbikecykling och löpning lockar årligen nära 100 000 anmälda deltagare. Sedan starten 1922 har över 1,8 miljoner deltagare passerat målportalen i Mora. Vasaloppet är en ideell verksamhet som ägs av IFK Mora och Sälens IF. En motor för folkhälsa och föreningsliv, i fäders spår för framtids segrar!


Camilla Sandy

Presskontakt Kommunikatör och pressansvarig +4670-384 95 00

Vasaloppet är världens största arrangör av motionslopp, året runt.

Vasaloppet startade 1922, men är mycket äldre än så. Det första Vasaloppet genomfördes redan 1521 av Gustav Eriksson. Under sin flykt undan den danske kungen blev han upphunnen i Sälen och återvände till Mora för att leda upproret mot ockupationsmakten. Gustav Eriksson enade så småningom riket och blev Sveriges första kung, mer känd under namnet Gustav Vasa. Sälen är med andra ord inte enbart startplats för ett av världens största motionslopp, utan också startpunkten för hela vårt lands historia. Det första loppet lockade 119 skidåkare till start. I dag kommer uppåt 100 000 deltagare från över 60 länder till vår bygd för att åka skidor, springa eller cykla mellan Sälen och Mora. Vasaloppet må ha växt, men syftet är det samma: Att med utgångspunkt från den klassiska sträckan genomföra idrottsarrangemang som skapar resurser och möjligheter för ägarföreningarna samt alla funktionärsföreningar. Med ideella krafter för vi en svensk tradition vidare.

Vasaloppet är en ideell verksamhet som ägs av IFK Mora och Sälens IF. En motor för folkhälsa och föreningsliv.