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Press release: New registration record in Ultravasan 90 2022 – Daniel Sedin participating

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Press release: New registration record in Ultravasan 90 2022 – Daniel Sedin participating

With just under a month and a half left until Ultravasan 90 on August 20, a new registration record has been set this year. In recent days, the race has reached 1,500 registered participants. These are the runners going all the way from Sälen to Mora.
"I have always liked challenges and this really feels like one," says former NHL ice hockey pro Daniel Sedin.

At present, about 750 participants are registered for Ultravasan 45. Trailvasan 30 and Trailvasan 10, premiering on location this year, are also seeing great interest. Never before have there been this many individual runners in the Vasaloppet Arena! In addition, over 200 teams are registered for the 30th anniversary Vasastafetten.

One of those registered for Ultravasan 90 is Olympic and World Cup gold medallist and former NHL ice hockey star Daniel Sedin. When he and his twin brother Henrik ended their careers after 17 seasons in the Vancouver Canucks in 2018, they started running various races back home in Vancouver, including the Vancouver Marathon in May 2019. In October 2019, Daniel Sedin attracted attention when he ran the Amsterdam Marathon in 2.57.36, that is, "sub-3" - under three hours.

The Vasaloppet Arena is not a new acquaintance for Daniel Sedin, however. Together with his brothers, he has completed Cykelvasan several times. With Henrik, he has also run several trail races in the Vancouver mountains. So running is the focus right now. Henrik isn't registered but big brother Peter will also participate in Ultravasan 90. In addition, Daniel's wife Mariette is registered for the new race Trailvasan 10.

Daniel Sedin, you will soon have gone from hockey player to ultrarunner; how did this journey go? When and why did you start running long distances?
I have always enjoyed running, even as a summer workout when I played ice hockey. As a youth I played football so my running probably comes from that too. When my hockey career was about to finish, Henrik and I talked about how fun it would be to run a marathon in under three hours. Since putting the skates on the shelf, we have both run almost daily."

And there have been several marathons, with really good times; when did the idea of running Ultravasan 90 come up?
"We have always liked challenges and Ultravasan 90 really feels like one. The thought of registering came up during the spring when I injured myself and could basically only run slowly, which meant long but slow sessions. And Ultravasan 90 came to mind, given that it will be a long, slow race."

How have you been training for Ultravasan 90? Do you have a particular goal and how do you prepare mentally?
"The training will mostly be about getting used to the long distance, which is something I have great respect for. My primary goal will probably be to reach the finish line but I always have a time goal too; I'll set it once we're a bit closer to the race."

You're running with your older brother Peter, any input from Henrik?
"We are four brothers who like to train. This time it's just Peter and I but we've all biked Cykelvasan a number of times. Henrik wanted to run too but he has to go back to Vancouver the week before the race so he'll have to try next year instead."

Both you and your family have participated in various exercise races over the years, cycling and running; what is it about exercise races that appeal to you?
"I like to stay in motion and there's something special about registering for a competition and getting a specific goal to aim for."

Any advice for those eager to run long distances but who haven't gotten properly started yet?
"Take it step by step, maybe start with shorter distances and expand over time. And sign up for different races, preferably with family or friends; it makes the whole experience so much more fun!"

Finally: you've completed Vasaloppet by bike and you're taking it on by foot - will we see you ski from Sälen to Mora?
"The only one in our family who has skied Vasaloppet is my oldest brother Stefan and he's probably the most all-round when it comes to training. We'll see if I end up on the start line with skis, time will tell."

More on Ultravasan 90: https://www.vasaloppet.se/en/races/running-races/ultravasan90/

Photo of Daniel Sedin:
(Source: Wikipedia commons)

Upcoming events in the Vasaloppet Arena in 2022–2023

Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2022 (registration is open)
Friday 12 August: Cykelvasan Öppet Spår, 94 km, start Sälen
Friday 12 August: Cykelvasasprinten, 1 km, Lindvallen, Sälen
Saturday 13 August: Cykelvasan 90, 94 km, start Sälen
Sunday 14 August: Cykelvasan 45, 45 km, start Oxberg
Sunday 14 August: Cykelvasan 30, 32 km, start Oxberg
Sunday 14 August: Ungdomscykelvasan, 32 km, start Oxberg
Friday 19 August: Trailvasan 10, 10 km, start Mora
Saturday 20 August: Ultravasan 90, 90 km, start Sälen
Saturday 20 August: Ultravasan 45, 45 km, start Oxberg
Saturday 20 August: Trailvasan 30, 30 km, start Oxberg
Saturday 20 August: Vasastafetten, 90 km, running relay for ten-person teams, start Sälen
Saturday 20 August: Vasakvartetten, 90 km, running relay for four-person teams, start Sälen

Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2022 (registration is open)
Friday 24 February: Vasaloppet 30, 30 km, start Oxberg
Saturday 25 February: Tjejvasan 30, km, start Oxberg
Sunday 26 February: Ungdomsvasan, 9 km start Eldris, 19 km start Hökberg
Sunday 26 February: Öppet Spår Sunday, 90 km, start Sälen
Monday 27 February: Öppet Spår Monday, 90 km, freestyle, start Sälen
Tuesday 28 February: Vasaloppet 45, 45 km, start Oxberg
Friday 3 March: Stafettvasan, 90 km, five-person teams, start Sälen
Friday 3 March: Nattvasan 90, 90 km, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Sälen
Friday 3 March: Nattvasan 45, 45 km, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Oxberg
Friday 3 March: Nattvasan 30, 30 km, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Oxberg
Saturday 4 March: Vasaloppet 10, 9 km, start Eldris
Sunday 5 March: Vasaloppet, 90 km, start Sälen

Vasaloppstrippeln – ski, bike and run, all in one year
Vasaloppstrippeln is a challenge where you complete three races, skiing, cycling and running, during one and the same calendar year. Choose between 30, 45 or 90 kilometres.

Like Vasaloppet on Facebook and follow Vasaloppet on Instagram!

High-resolution photos from Vasaloppet

Text and photos may be freely published.

For more information
Camilla Sandy, Press Manager, Vasaloppet
+46 (0)70-384 95 00

More on Vasaloppet
Press room: mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/vasaloppet
Facebook: facebook.com/vasaloppetofficial
Instagram: @vasaloppet


Vasaloppet is the world's biggest cross-country ski race. Vasaloppet's Winter Week with its cross-country skiing and Summer Week with mountain biking and running attract a total of almost 100,000 registered participants every year. Since the beginning in 1922 over 1.7 million participants have passed the finish line portal in Mora. Vasaloppet is a non-profit making organization owned by IFK Mora and Sälens IF. An engine for public health and sports club activities, in forefathers' tracks for future victories!


Camilla Sandy

Presskontakt Kommunikatör och pressansvarig +4670-384 95 00

Vasaloppet är världens största arrangör av motionslopp, året runt.

Vasaloppet startade 1922, men är mycket äldre än så. Det första Vasaloppet genomfördes redan 1521 av Gustav Eriksson. Under sin flykt undan den danske kungen blev han upphunnen i Sälen och återvände till Mora för att leda upproret mot ockupationsmakten. Gustav Eriksson enade så småningom riket och blev Sveriges första kung, mer känd under namnet Gustav Vasa. Sälen är med andra ord inte enbart startplats för ett av världens största motionslopp, utan också startpunkten för hela vårt lands historia. Det första loppet lockade 119 skidåkare till start. I dag kommer uppåt 100 000 deltagare från över 60 länder till vår bygd för att åka skidor, springa eller cykla mellan Sälen och Mora. Vasaloppet må ha växt, men syftet är det samma: Att med utgångspunkt från den klassiska sträckan genomföra idrottsarrangemang som skapar resurser och möjligheter för ägarföreningarna samt alla funktionärsföreningar. Med ideella krafter för vi en svensk tradition vidare.

Vasaloppet är en ideell verksamhet som ägs av IFK Mora och Sälens IF. En motor för folkhälsa och föreningsliv.