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Counties, nations, statistics, and interesting facts ahead of Vasaloppet’s Winter Week 2025
On Friday, February 21, at 09:00, Vasaloppet’s Winter Week 2025 kicks off with Vasaloppet 30, a 30 km race from Oxberg to Mora. This is the first of the Winter Week's 14 races, with distances ranging from 9 to 90 km. The week will culminate on "Vasaloppet Sunday," March 2, with the 101st Vasaloppet in history. Currently, more than 54,000 participants from 66 different nations are registered, and the forecast indicates that over 57,000 skiers will attend the Winter Week 2025.
The 54,000 skiers come from all 21 counties in Sweden and 65 other countries, spanning Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, North America, and South America. Registration is still open, so these latest statistics from February 17, 2025, are not final.
Participants in the individual races range in age from 7 to 90 years old. 60.8% are men and 39.2% women. The average age is 41.5 years, close to Sweden’s national average age of 41.9, according to Statistics Sweden.
Vasaloppet is fully booked with 15,800 participants. All other races still have available spots, though Öppet Spår Sunday is nearing full capacity, with a few spots remaining.
First-timers and returning participants: 36.5% of those registered for Vasaloppet’s Winter Week 2025 are first-time participants, while 63.5% have competed before (though not necessarily in the same race as this year).
Highly experienced skiers: 301 participants in the 90 km races are Vasaloppet veterans, meaning they have completed Vasaloppet and/or Öppet Spår/Nattvasan 90 at least 30 times. These veterans will wear a special orange number bib.
The 14 races range from 9 to 90 km. The total distance to be skied by all currently registered individual participants in 2025 amounts to 3,086,750 km!
Stafettvasan, held on February 28, is currently 90% full (8,100 participants). Many companies participate, with the most registered teams from Ahlsell (75 teams), Bonnier (42 teams), IBM (25 teams), Volvo (23 teams), and Ramudden (20 teams).
So far, 282 participants have signed up for Vasaloppstrippeln, meaning they will participate in one ski race during the Winter Week, followed by a mountain bike race and a running race of the same distance during the Summer Week in August. There are three distances to choose from: 30, 45, and 90 km.
Each participant in Vasaloppet’s Winter Week drinks approximately 0.56 litres of blueberry soup. During the Winter Week 2024, over 55,000 skiers consumed 40,300 litres of Enervit sports drink, 30,700 litres of Ekströms blueberry soup, 9,800 litres of vegetable broth and 2,800 litres of coffee at the seven official checkpoints. (The first checkpoint, Smågan, only serves sports drink, while coffee is only available at the last four checkpoints.) Water is, of course, also available. Participants also consume nearly 160,000 Vasaloppet buns. This all requires approximately 450,000 paper cups (which are, of course, recycled).
As of now, 10,200 participants have also registered for Vasaloppet’s Summer Week, where they will cycle or run in one of the summer races.
County by county in Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2025
Stockholm – 9,642 registered participants
Västra Götaland – 5,973
Dalarna – 3,075
Uppsala – 2,150
Skåne – 1,916
Östergötland – 1,696
Värmland – 1,346
Gävleborg – 1,330
Jönköping – 1,291
Halland – 1,193
Örebro – 1,181
Västmanland – 993
Västerbotten – 949
Jämtland – 946
Västernorrland – 920
Södermanland – 826
Norrbotten – 678
Kronoberg – 454
Kalmar – 402
Blekinge – 269
Gotland – 132
(This year's county data is based solely on individually registered participants, as all team members for Stafettvasan and Nattvasan have not yet been named.)
Nations in Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2025
Participants represent Sweden and 65 other nations, totaling 66 different countries. The 20 largest international participant groups are:
Norway – 1,912 participants
Denmark – 835
Finland – 817
Germany – 575
Czech Republic – 369
Netherlands – 213
Switzerland – 196
Italy – 187
France – 168
Austria – 150
USA – 142
Estonia – 114
United Kingdom – 101
Poland – 76
Belgium – 64
Canada – 57
Spain – 45
Iceland – 42
Slovakia – 31
Australia – 21
(Since all team members for Stafettvasan and Nattvasan have not yet been named, this year's nationality data is based solely on individually registered participants.)
Registration open until race day
NOTE: The above statistics are from Monday, February 17, 2025, and they are not final.
Read more about how registration works:
Follow participants in the official Vasaloppet app
Download the official Vasaloppet app, available year-round. Stay updated on everything related to Vasaloppet, and track participants live.
FOR MEDIA: Who is competing from your county? Start lists, results, statistics, and reports
At, you can access start lists and results from all races, and track participants live. Login required.
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Password: media
Find more history and information under the "History" heading on Vasaloppet's website.
Upcoming events in the Vasaloppet Arena
Vasaloppet’s Winter Week 2025 and the 101st Vasaloppet – cross country skiing
Friday, February 21, Vasaloppet 30, start Oxberg, 30 km
Saturday, February 22, Tjejvasan, start Oxberg, 30 km
Sunday, February 23, Öppet Spår Sunday, start Sälen, 90 km
Sunday, February 23, Ungdomsvasan, start Eldris, 9 km, start Hökberg, 19 km
Monday, February 24, Öppet Spår Monday 90, freestyle, start Sälen, 90 km
Monday, February 24, Öppet Spår Monday 45, freestyle, start Evertsberg, 45 km
Monday, February 24, Öppet Spår Monday 30, freestyle, start Oxberg checkpoint, 28 km
Tuesday, February 25, Vasaloppet 45, start Oxberg, 45 km
Friday, February 28, Stafettvasan, ski relay, five legs, start Sälen, 90 km
Friday, February 28, Nattvasan 30, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Oxberg, 30 km
Friday, February 28, Nattvasan 45, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Oxberg, 45 km
Friday, February 28, Nattvasan 90, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Sälen, 90 km
Saturday, March 1, Vasaloppet 10, freestyle, start Eldris, 9 km
Sunday, March 2, The 101st Vasaloppet, start Sälen, 90 km
Vasaloppet’s Summer Week 2025 – biking and running
Friday, August 8, Ungdomscykelvasan, start Oxberg, 32 km
Friday, August 8, Cykelvasan Öppet Spår, start Sälen, 96 km
Friday, August 8, Cykelvasan 30, start Oxberg, 32 km
Friday, August 8, Cykelvasan 45, start Oxberg, 45 km
Saturday, August 9, Cykelvasan 90, start Sälen, 96 km
Friday, August 15, Funkisvasan, start Mora, 4 km
Friday, August 15, Trailvasan 10, start Mora, 10 km
Saturday, August 16, Ultravasan 90, start Sälen, 92 km
Saturday, August 16, Vasastafetten, running relay, ten legs, start Sälen, 92 km
Saturday, August 16, Ultravasan 45, start Oxberg, 45 km
Saturday, August 16, Trailvasan 30, start Oxberg, 30 km
Vasaloppstrippeln – ski, bike and run, all in one year
Vasaloppstrippeln is a challenge where you complete three races – skiing, cycling and running – during one and the same calendar year. Choose between 30, 45 or 90 kilometres.
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High-resolution photos from Vasaloppet
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For more information
Camilla Sandy, Press Manager Vasaloppet
+46 (0)70-384 95 00
More on Vasaloppet
Press room:
Instagram: @vasaloppet
Vasaloppet is the world's biggest cross-country ski race. Vasaloppet's Winter Week with its cross-country skiing and Summer Week with mountain biking and running attract a total of almost 100,000 registered participants every year. Since the beginning in 1922 over 1.8 million participants have passed the finish line portal in Mora. Vasaloppet is a non-profit making organization owned by IFK Mora and Sälens IF. An engine for public health and sports club activities, in forefathers' tracks for future victories.